Monday, August 30, 2010

It's UP!!!

Check it out!

I'm so excited for this!!! I know I haven't put up more than just three, but really, I have some laundry that I have to do. Now that I have the hang of posting things, there will be more up probably tonight (I hope!)

That's all, folks!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Purse snaps

Classic ivory

Bow Tie: LOVE this picture! *bwahahahaha*

Hot pink and Black

On the purse:

The Beginning.

I have a purse. It's a gorgeous purse, and I love it to death. It is green, which is my favorite color, hence the fact that it is my favorite purse. Actually, I have another green purse which is pretty awesome, but I can't wear it over my shoulder and, let's face it, with two kids, I need something that doesn't use my hands. In fact, if anyone else has a spare hand or two out there... *cough* well, that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, said awesome purse has one major fault: it is a two-strap. Any woman who has ever had two straps on her purse will know what I am talking about when I say that the non-dominant strap is CONSTANTLY falling down! It doesn't matter how wide the shoulder is, it always seems (and I have done multiple observations at Wal-Mart and it's always the same) that one purse strap is hanging off. Women all over the world are reaching over to pull it back up again. I'm sure there's some sort of statistic about how often a purse strap is being repositioned, but I'm not motivated enough to find it. Needless to say, pulling purse straps up takes another hand, and I just don't have that kind of luxury.

Enter sister and co-mastermind of this enterprise. On our way to a baby shower some 30 minutes away, she and I were talking about this problem when I said "I should just make some sort of a snap to keep them together! Sheesh!"


"Actually, that wouldn't be such a bad idea," sister says.

And, let's face it, it's not.

So, here we are a few weeks later, about ready to introduce these to the world of etsy. I'm sure some of my other stuff will end up on our site, but this is where I got the gumption to open a shop. I hope you like them!