Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Shops!

I'm adding some new shops to the store... Jewelry and Toddler. Let's face it, it's mostly "toddler girl" but hey. There you go!

Autumn necklace (with matching earrings, too!)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Finally getting around to getting it done! New posts coming up all the time, thanks to the BRAND NEW camera! :) LOVE IT!

Anyway, check them out, and keep looking because, like I said, more up all the time, especially when the kids actually nap...

bises and cerises on

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ooops. Slightly relocated. And picture-less.

Howdy, my two faithful followers! That is, if you're still following. I apologize that zero has been done in the last few months but I've moved. Across the country. I was a little busy, but I have found my very newest FAVORITEST store (probably owing to the fact that it is ridiculously close to my new house): Hobby Lobby. Yes, it rhymes. And no, I didn't have it in Utah, which is why it's so awe-inspiringly awesome. Here's why:

Katie got the makings for two new headbands (plus four flowers to go on the headbands that, amazingly enough, are also cute enough for me to wear) for less than $5. Yep. I'm in love. And it's funny, too, because between yesterday and today (I only made them yesterday), I've had three separate comments on how darling the headbands are. More comments than that on my daughter, of course, but hey! :) Just kidding, folks. I don't think I've ever had that kind of reaction to anything I've made without kind of hinting for something like that from my nearest and dearest friends, so that gave me hope! :) I'd take pictures, but, unfortunately the camera I used for all of my previous postings on etsy (because heavens knows I haven't posted many pictures here!) is still in Utah with my dear, dear friend. Because it's hers. Bethie, I miss you terribly, but not because of the camera! :(

Anyway, because of that, I'm trying to convince my husband (not too hard because we now have no income due to him going to chiropractic school) that I need a new camera, specifically a Canon. Powershot 12.1 Megapixel Digital camera, to be exact. I told him it could be for our anniversary, Mother's Day, my birthday, Christmas, etc., for the next 10 years, but I don't know how well that went over... :) We'll see what I work up. Hopefully I will meet someone as awesome as Bethie who also has an awesome camera that I can shamelessly use for my own personal gain, but until then, .... uh.... I don't know. Anyone have an awesome camera?

Back to my story. Katie's headbands are awesome, and completely darling. I can't wait to start giving them away as baby shower presents!

Also, and I wish I had pictures on this computer, but I'm too lazy to go down into my freezing basement, I am going to be adding a section to my etsy shop where you can order customized letters for your walls. I have them for my children, and I've made them for friends of mine. They are completely up to you, as long as you understand I can't paint the Mona Lisa. You choose the colors, pattern (i.e. I chose elements from one of my favorite outfits on my son for his name, and my dauther's name is done in colors of another of my favorite outfits on her), whatever, and I paint 'em up and send 'em to you. I'll put pictures up once I get them!

Well, that's it for now. Here's to finding photography solutions and getting my etsy shop set up again. Goodnight, void!