Thursday, October 14, 2010

What's in a name?

Alright, so I have to post this mostly just for myself, but for anyone else out there who is confused.

You pronounce it "bees and sereeez" Repeat that three times.

I don't know why we didn't choose a more pronounceable name, at least for my. My co-collaborater (who just had a darling baby boy, btw!!! yay!!!) speaks French. I don't. So I sit here and call it "etsy" which is in no way the actual name for my shop. I should start to say it right. It means "kisses and cherries," and since I suppose I need to have an awesome story for having that as a name, here goes.

I have a cherry tree in my back yard which, year in and year out, produces millions of cherries, I'm pretty sure. They are gorgeous, and absolutely tasty, but two harvests ago, about half of our picked cherries went bad. I was the lucky parent who got to go through four boxes of half-bad cherries, picking out the rotten ones. Oh, and I was 8 months pregnant. So I sat at the counter with my feet swelling off my legs and my stomach lurching (pregnant ladies, is this not true? Smell is twice as powerful a sense when you're expecting) and swatting fruit flies from my arms. Ew, I tell you what. But, I finally finished the job, and, amazingly, actually helped pick cherries this year, despite my vow that I'd never look at one again. So I guess that's the tie to cherries, and we'll say the kisses come from cute kids who've been eating the cherries or something.

But really, here's the reason for the name. The name was chosen because it was cute. Because it is, and if anyone has a problem with it, tough.

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